Academic Challenges

At the beginning it took me a while to get used to the online classes, which may be related to the fact that I don't like using the computer or learning through a screen, and the other may be because I like to write by hand and not on the computer.

I have always been a very organized person but with the online classes I also found it difficult especially with the group work and when I did not enter the classes if they were recorded and there I was left with many pending things that ended up only stressing me out.

From the second semester of 2020 until now I have managed well with classes as well as with my time and I even think I have more free time than before to do hobbies, which is one of the things I have enjoyed most about being in online classes.

In relation to learning at home, I didn't have a big problem and I don't feel that I learn less, since before I studied in my room and I prefer to study alone than with other people because I lose concentration very fast, what I dislike the most is to depend on the internet signal which is not very good and that they are building very close to my house and the sound is horrible.


  1. I strongly agree that to get organized in the online school is too much effort.


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