the best travel

A beautiful memory I have of the past was a trip we took to San Pedro De Atacama, Chile with a few classmates from the school in 2014. It was not a vacation but it the felt like one. 

Well, when I was in high school, I participated in the astronomy workshop with 14 other classmates and every year in october we went for a week to a northern city to visit the observatories and the tourist and astronomical routes, I remember that in 2012 we traveled to La Serena and Vicuña; in 2013 we went to Antofagasta. But by far the best trip was the one in 2014 which was also the last year of school.

We traveled in airplane to Calama and then a car took us to a very beautiful hostel that was in the center of San Pedro, the first day they gave us free to walk around the town and then at night we had the first activity which was to make a night route and they taught us to use telescopes and about the constellations. The next day we went to Valle De La Luna and to the Geiser Del Tatio. The other days we went out to different places like the Salar de Atacama, we also saw flamingos and at night we watched the sky and learned from them.

I remember the last day they took us to the ALMA observatory and it was very impressive. They showed us the radio telescopes and taught us how they worked, they also gave us the opportunity to talk to the astronomers who were doing their research there.


  1. Aaaw :^) i hope you learned a lot about stars, constellations, telescopes and flamingos jaja

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. have the oportunitty of see flamingos and a gaiser? that`s awesome!!!!!! I wish they had done that in my school :c


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