The Role of Technology in my Life

I consider that technology has a good role in my life because I´m not using technological objects all day.  I think this has been going on since I was little and my parents used to “give us time” to watch TV or play with technological devices and now I don't even watch TV or play video games (I always liked to go to the parks or participate in art workshops). In relation to smartphones and personal computers I only got them when I was 14 and 17 years old because being "connected" all day long doesn't call my attention (it's still hard for me to answer whatsapp or phone calls).

I definitely would have liked to live in those years

My favorite piece of technology is the tablet with the stylus. I use the tablet for drawing, to read ebooks and sometimes watching movies but almost never. I also use it to study because it is lighter and more comfortable to use.

What to do with technology? is a very complicated question, especially nowadays when almost your whole life is based on relationships that exist through technological platforms and objects but I feel that you have to see the positive side, which is learning and accessing knowledge in an easier way. And in university and professional life it is important since all research is available online.


  1. The tableeeet! the most beautiful resumes are the ones you do on the tablet! :^)


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